SBI provides...
full raisebore contracting services across the globe. We are licensed and insured, and our personnel are certified to operate our machines both on the surface and underground.
Our vertically integrated business model differentiates us from other raiseboring contractors. We control the manufacturing process from the machine all the way down the hole to the reamer and stabilizers. Additionally, our compact machine design allows us to install the rig in smaller drill stations saving our clients time and cost, and reduces exposure to over-excavation in poor ground conditions.
Civil Infrastructure/
- Pumping and Piping
- Stormwater Drains
- Hydroelectric
- Secondary Escapeways
- Utilities
- Mine Ventilation for Personnel and Equipment
- Stormwater Pressurization
- Production
- Military Testing and Storage
- Ore Passes
- Dewatering
- Alternative to traditional cut-and-cover tunneling
- Underground Storage
- Underground Infrastructure
- Paste Holes
- Elevator Shafts
In our 30,000 sq ft warehouse...
located centrally in Golden, Colorado, we keep spare parts on hand and ready to ship at all times. We can also custom manufacture spare parts with our in-house, state of the art CNC machines. This capability translates to less down time for our customers.
Since 1980, our raisebore machines have undergone more than eight design overhauls/improvements based on feedback from our expert operators in the field. Manufacturing our own equipment allows us to develop the best raisebore machines on the market.
What our partners have to say
Discover What SBI Can Do For You